Pro Tools Custom Keyboard For Mac

Comprehensive list of Pro Tools shortcuts can be found in 'Pro Tools Shortcuts Guide' (part of Pro Tools documentation).

Work faster in your Pro Tools environment with direct access to primary transport and editing functions. Designed for Mac-based Pro Tools systems, this affordable Digidesign Pro Tools Custom Keyboard uses the same symbols and color coding system built into Avid control surfaces while retaining all the conventional alphanumeric labels that appear on standard computer keyboards. The LogicKeyboard Advance Digidesign Protools, Apple Pro Ultra Thin Alu keyboard offers plug-and-play setup with any current or recent USB-equipped Macintosh computer, with good feel and stylish, modern appearance that match the New Apple look.The custom LogicKeyboard for Digidesign Protools makes controlling the keyboard a lot simpler and faster.

1. File Menu
+NNew session...
+OOpen session...
+Shift+OOpen recent
+Shift+WClose session
+Option+BBounce to - Disk...
Option+Shift+IImport - Session data...
+Shift+IImport - Audio...
+Option+IImport - MIDI...
+Option+Shift+IImport - Video...
+PPrint score...

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2. Edit Menu
+Option+ZRestore last selection
Ctrl+Shift+XCut special - Cut clip gain
Ctrl+Shift+CCopy special - Copy clip gain
Option+MPaste special - Merge
+Option+VPaste special - Repeat to fill selection
+Ctrl+VPaste special - To current automation type
Ctrl+Shift+BClear special - Clear clip gain
+ASelect all
Option+Shift+5Selection - Change timeline to match edit
Option+Shift+6Selection - Change edit to match timeline
Option+[Selection - Play edit
Option+]Selection - Play timeline
+Shift+EInsert silence
+TTrim clip - To selection
Option+Shift+7Trim clip - Start to selection
Option+Shift+8Trim clip - End to selection
+ESeparate clip - At selection
+HHeal separation
Option+Shift+3Consolidate clip
+MMute clips
+UStrip silence
Option+Shift+UTCE edit to timeline selection
+Option+HAutomation - Copy to send...
+Option+TAutomation - Thin
+/Automation - Write to current
+Option+/Automation - Write to all enabled
+Shift+/Automation - Trim to current
+Option+Shift+/Automation - Trim to all enabled
Option+/Automation - Glide to current
Option+Shift+/Automation - Glide to all enabled
+FFades - Create...
Option+DFades - Fade to start
Option+GFades - Fade to end

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Pro Tools Custom Keyboard For Mac
3. View Menu
+Option+MNarrow mix

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Pro Tools Custom Keyboard For Mac 10.5

4. Track Menu
Option+KSet record tracks to input only
+Option+FScroll to track...
Option+CClear all clip indicators

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5. Clip Menu
+LEdit lock/unlock
Option+Ctrl+LTime lock/unlock
Option+Shift+BSend to back
Option+Shift+FBring to front
+Option+Ctrl+NumPad0Rating - None
+Option+Ctrl+NumPad1..5Rating - 1..5
+,Identify/Remove sync point
+0 (zero)Quantize to grid
Option+NumPad5Elastic properties

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6. Event Menu
Option+NumPad1Time operations - Time operations window
Option+NumPad2Tempo operations - Tempo operations window
Option+NumPad3Event operations - Event operations window
Option+0 (zero)Event operations - Quantize...
Option+PEvent operations - Change duration...
Option+TEvent operations - Transpose...
Option+YEvent operations - Select/split notes...
Option+NumPad4MIDI real-time properties
+NumPad8Beat detective
+IIdentify beat...
+Shift+.All MIDI notes off

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7. Options Menu
Option+LLoop record
+JTransport online
+Shift+JVideo track online
+Shift+LLoop playback
+Ctrl+PDynamic transport
Shift+/Link timeline and edit selection
+Option+PAuto-spot clips
Ctrl+Shift+TEdit/Tool mode keyboard lock

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8. Setup Menu

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9. Window Menu
+Option+JConfigurations - Window configuration list
+Option+Ctrl+WHide all floating windows
+WClose window
Ctrl+=MIDI editor
Option+Ctrl+=Score editor
Option+=MIDI event list
Option+NMIDI editors - Bring to front
Option+Shift+NMIDI editors - Send to back
Option+'Task manager
Option+JBrowsers - Bring to front
Option+Shift+JBrowsers - Send to back
+NumPad3Big counter
+NumPad5Memory locations
+NumPad7Video universe

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Pro Tools Custom Keyboard For Mac Keyboard

10. Misc.
Shift+SpaceHalf-speed playback
+Shift+Space, Shift+F12Half-speed record
Ctrl+Option++Up or Down Arrow KeyResizes all tracks to the same size in the Edit window

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Avid Pro Tools Custom Keyboard Details Work faster, with direct access to primary Pro Tools transport and editing functions literally at your fingertips. Designed for both Windows- and Mac-based Pro Tools systems, Pro Tools Custom Keyboards use the same symbols and color-coding system built into several Avid Pro Mixing control surfaces, while retaining all of the conventional alphanumeric labels that appear on standard computer keyboards. These unique keyboards also offer plug-and-play USB connectivity, with additional support (on the Windows keyboard) for a PS-2 connection. Avid Pro Tools Custom Keyboard Features. Provides color-coded text and icon keys to access Pro Tools shortcuts and other commands., in addition to standard computer keyboard keys for Windows operation.

Avid Pro Tools Custom Keyboard For Mac Pro

Offers easy plug-and-play USB connectivity. Comes with a PS-2 connection cord and USB adapter for connection flexibility. OVERSIZED & HEAVY! This Oversized & Heavy special order item may require additional shipping and cannot be canceled or returned. This is a special order item that is considered oversized and heavy by all shipping carriers and will most likely be delivered via a freight truck. Due to the item’s size and weight, additional shipping may have to be collected and once ordered cannot be canceled or returned. We will contact you if the final shipping quote differs from the shipping estimate provided at checkout.

Well as other vendors supply custom keyboards and overlays for Mac a nd Windows labeled with Pro Tools commands when in Commands Keyboard Focus. To enable Commands Keyboard Focus, do one of the following: Click the a–z button for the Edit window. Press Command+Option+1 (Mac) or Control+Alt+1 (Windows).

Avid Pro Tools Custom Keyboard For Mac Download

Pro tools custom keyboard for mac keyboard

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